...of wordt ze gesponsord door Australië?.......zaak leidde destijds tot commotie in Australië, waar aan haar schuld werd getwijfeld...
....Corby's older sister, Mercedes, married a Balinese man and lives in Bali..... (Wikipedia)....
....The Australian Government offered the services of two Queen's Counsel on a pro-bono basis.[20] However, the offer was rejected.[citation needed] The Corby family subsequently took up the offer for the High Court appeal but after more allegations of bribery by the barristers,[clarification needed] further assistance was refused......(Wikipedia)...
....As part of her parole conditions that Corby signed in August 2013, she agreed to:
not use or distribute drugs
report at least monthly to the Bali corrections board
"dress neatly and appropriately for the officials"
the board watching out for her welfare and behaviour, and agreeing to snap inspections of her sister's home.....
You name it.