Pedas menggigit ayam Taliwang
( Spicy Taliwang Chicken Bites)
. Chicken portions (boned thighs are excellent , roll and fasten with tooth-pick, perhaps stuff each portion with two pitted prunes, the sweetness of the prunes goes well with the spiciness of the chicken)
. Lemon juice, salt
. Piece of gula jawa , crushed
. Bawang putih 6 or 7 crushed
. Red onion (Bawang merah) chopped
. Cabeh rawit or lomboks as required, sliced or minced
. handfull roasted kemiris, crushed, a little jintan freshly crushed
. Cup of santan diluted with some water, more if required
. air asam, lepeltje of twee, and some oil
1.Dry chicken and rub with lemon juice , leave to marinate
2. Heat the oil in a wajan and fry the spices until fragrant.
3. Add the santan, gula jawa, asam water, the kemiris and chicken and cook until liquid is nearly absorbed and chicken portions are cooked through.
4.Place cooked chicken portions under a grill or in a frying pan and brown on all sides while basting with left over marinade
5. Serve with warm rice, sambal, kerupuk and a salad of choice ,
Honestly borrowed (gejat) from “Suara Surabaya” slightly altered to my taste, and tried, nice, it needed a salad or sayur of some sort to go with it, by it selves a little dry.
Worth a try every-one!